Games to support the growth of children and adolescents
I help you to accompany the growth of children and adolescents through games and courses.
Donload my Kit
Playfulness opens questions and makes learning more meaningful and memorable.
And fundamentally, it recovers the pleasure of learning.
Poner en Juego, arises as a response to the need for playful teaching materials to address content in relation to understand sexuality from childhood.
Who is behind of PONER EN JUEGO
I’m Laura Canals, teacher , with a degree in Psycho-pedagogy and a Diploma in Sexual Education.
Developer of Poner en Juego.
Learning with GAMES BOARD
I am persuaded that the game can make simple any complex subject that we are interested in addressing.
And I realize that childhood and adolescent growth can be accompanied by board games that promote equity and address sex education..
Propuestas virtuales para profesionales y familias.